Friday, February 27, 2015

Nemtsov A President Vladimir Putin Critic Shot To Death

Two weeks ago he said, “I’m afraid Putin will kill me.”
Nemtsov was an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a career politician, he worked to foster a healthy relationship between Russia and Ukraine for much of his career. “I’m afraid Putin will kill me,” Nemtsov told an independent Belarusian television channel two weeks ago.
Nemtsov was shot at least four times and police are investigating his death, according to the Moscow Interior Ministry.
A white vehicle approached Nemtsov and several shots rang out before the car drove away. The suspect or suspects are not known at this time and their descriptions have not been given by authorities. According to Garry Kasparov, the Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation, Nemtsov’s killers shot him four times, “once for each child he leaves.”

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